Thursday, August 04, 2005


Lame Duck

So at work, for the next 3 weeks I'm in that weird zone inhabited by the newly resigned, where I'm still formally coming into the office so I can "assist in the transfer of my duties" (ha ha, my boss said doodies!), and more to the point, pick up those last couple of pay checks prior to our looming financial freefall... but in reality, my days are spent thinking about anything but work, with the result that my productivity has diminished somewhat. And by "diminshed somewhat", I mean "drastically and irrevocably plummeted."

The company released its 4th quarter earnings yesterday. No upside surprises, so my stock options remain underwater. Stock options in a tech company are alot like a perpetual lottery ticket. Maybe some day the firm will come out with some amazing innovation or get bought by IBM, the shares will soar, and I'll be rolling in dough. More likely, they'll keep plodding along in the obscurity they've enjoyed for the last 20 years, the share price will remain in the doldrums, and I'll be forced to explain to my daughter why my surefire plan for funding her college education was thwarted by the "vagaries of the stock market".


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