Thursday, September 08, 2005


Where's That Remote?

So today the real challenge of Law School begins. No, not an exam or term paper. Not even a particularly challenging topic in Torts class. Rather, tonight the NFL season kicks off. And the question that's been gnawing at me since the start of the semester is now a fully-fledged crisis: How do I maintain my study regime during football season? How do I stay focused on the law tonight, Sunday afternoon, Monday night, and every weekend for the next five months knowing that with a simple click of a button, I can swing from the drudgery of an expectations damages problem in Contracts to the unmitigated bliss of watching the Packers of Green Bay smash Baltimore, or the NY Jets pummel the pesky Patriots from New England? (admittedly not much chance of that happening this season.)

Luckily, I've come up with a great strategy: I'll simply study intensely during the infinite number of commercials that saturate the average televised football game. Brilliant, no? I'm rather surprised my study guides don't suggest this.

Wonder what Sandra's reaction will be to my plan...


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