Thursday, November 03, 2005


Of Jealous Mistresses

It's a little disconcerting really, the number of legal practitioners I meet who openly curse the day they first set foot in law school. Later, remembering they're talking to a freshly minted law student, with hopes, aspirations, and truckload of debt committed to the very path they long ago traveled and are now busy eschewing, they look at me in wonder and ask: "Are you sure this is what you want to be doing?"

Generally I just respond with a noncommittal chuckle, but what I'd really like to reply with is: "Of course I'm bloody well not sure! You're talking to a guy who's on his fourth career at age 35! Hardly the poster child for decisiveness, am I?"

I gave my friend Joe a ride to the bus stop this morning. He wearily informed me that he hadn't been home before 1am a single night this week, trying to finalize an appellate brief that's clearly anything but. He also explained that not seeing his kids was not an issue, as, newly emboldened by the return of Eastern Standard Time, they are only too happy to wake him at 5.30am for some spirited cavorting. I attempted to sympathize by proposing that no doubt his missus wasn't rushing to volunteer for dawn duty, but by then poor Joe had nodded off.


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