Tuesday, November 22, 2005


A Seinfeldian Musing

When it's really cold, we say "It feels like Siberia in here." I wonder what people in Siberia say under similar circumstances. Possibly, "It feels like Vostock in here." (A record low temperature of -89.2°C (-128.6°F) was registered at Vostok, Antarctica, on July 21, 1983).

But this leads me to two further observations. Firstly, if it's so cold on a particular day in Siberia that someone feels the need to comment publicly, presumably any attempt to actually do so would fail due to the sound waves freezing and dropping to your feet like icicles.

And secondly, all that does is make me wonder what someone in Vostock would say (or rather, think, with whaterever part of their frostbitten brain still functioning) on a really cold day (aka July 21, 1983) ...

As you can see, law school is making my mind sharp like a razor.


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