Thursday, December 01, 2005
So THAT'S What That Smell Was
I must apologise for neglecting my LSD duties of late. Wish I could say that this is because I've been consumed by study in preparation for exams that will be upon me in ...ohmygodpleasehelpme ohmygodpleashelpme ohmygodpleashelpme... ten days time. Not so. Sick kids, broken cars, meddling mothers in law (okay, I only have one, but she multiplies at will) have conspired to ensure my anxiety levels are well and truly humming.
A sure indicator of exam time around the law school is the notable decline in hygiene standards of my colleagues. Unkempt hair, repeat-clothing offences, mismatched socks, some genuinely impressive accumulations of ear wax ... I myself have been guilty of a somewhat lengthy failure to rotate the 'ol under-dacks. It was only when the chafing grew so bad as to draw tears that I bothered to look down for the cause. I'm happy to report that, following a 90-minute session with an ice scraper and some vaseline, said undergarments (and a thin layer of epidermis) were succesfully extracted.
A sure indicator of exam time around the law school is the notable decline in hygiene standards of my colleagues. Unkempt hair, repeat-clothing offences, mismatched socks, some genuinely impressive accumulations of ear wax ... I myself have been guilty of a somewhat lengthy failure to rotate the 'ol under-dacks. It was only when the chafing grew so bad as to draw tears that I bothered to look down for the cause. I'm happy to report that, following a 90-minute session with an ice scraper and some vaseline, said undergarments (and a thin layer of epidermis) were succesfully extracted.